Tuesday, January 09, 2007

In today lesson, I learnt the use of tales, myths and legends in teaching literature. These could be used in the set induction. The main purpose is to gain students attention. As in my survey which I had done in one of my literature course, literature is rated as the most boring subject by a group of secondary school students. Therefore, I think by using tales, myths and legends is one of the effective ways to start an interesting literature lesson. As my own experience during in secondary school, sometimes my teacher told short stories following by the actual literature lesson. I could recall that everyone stopped talking and turned their attention to the story teller. Sometimes my teacher also used stories to start the English lesson. Stories will always interest us as we did not need to talk. Besides, tales, myths and legends can be used as a closure. This is new to me as I never had this experience before. Tales, myths and legends can serve as reward as students have fulfilled the tasks given.
Sometimes we might ask how can we use tales, myths and legends in a literature class when we are teaching in a high English proficiency students. they are so good and may be some of them even know more tales, myths and legends than I do. In my opinion, we adapt these to suit their standard. In a classroom, some of the students might not know them. So, those whose know can tell the stories to those who do not know. Besides, we can ask about their opinion about the stories they have read. I think both these ways can promote two ways interaction in the classroom. One is teacher to students interation and students to students interation.
We can use tales, myths and legends as everyone likes to listen to story for all ages people and different English proficiency. But remember do not use stories too frequent as students will be bored of story telling.

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