Sunday, January 14, 2007

My PoSitIon PaPeR
My first assignment for EDU 3234 is position paper. On last Tuesday lecturer briefed us about the first assignment. What is a position paper and what are we suppose to write in this paper. The first thing to do is to choose a literary text and then write a thesis statement. We have to show it to our tutor tomorrow. Writing the most difficult thing in this assignment commented by our tutor. I also agree with her. As I remembered during my year 2 of degree in teachers training college, one of my courses was expository writing. In this course, we learned how to write a thesis statement. At that time I did not pay much attention in learning how to write a thesis statement because I did not really like the course and it was boring. I think now I begin to feel a bit regretL. I had spent the whole night thinking how to write a thesis statement. At the same time I was thinking how I am going to get the literary text as I already sent back all my literature books back. It was really a hard night. At the end, I came out with a sentence which I think it was a thesis statement. On the second day, I volunteered to show my thesis statement in the class. Sadly it was not accepted. After looking at a few examples given by my course mates, I think I know how to write it already. I hope the next meeting with the tutor, she will grant a pass for my thesis statement. So, I can continue to the second step which is to think about the points to substantiate by stand. Nothing is impossible.

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