Thursday, February 15, 2007

This week I didn’t have discussion with our supervisor because we have 3 assignments to be handed in this week. Furthermore, next week is a Chinese New Year holiday or semester break and I will be going back on Wednesday. For this research paper, I have finally decided to do on author, Kate Chopin. I want to analyze how her background inspires her to become a feminist writer. So, I will find more information about her during the holidays such as her biography, history of Creole society, background of feminism and commentaries or critic about her and her works. Finding her works will be not a problem for me as I have bought The Awakening and other short stories last semester. After reading through all these I will write a proposal of how I am going to conduct this research. Honestly, I am not really sure of how to write a proposal. So, I plan to write a short paragraph on every heading that the supervisor told us. I hope I will manage my time properly as I also have other assignments to do and celebrating the New Year.
As for the position paper, I have finished it. However, the presentation is postponed to week 8 which is the week after the holiday. I have been told that in this presentation, we just need to state out thesis statement, out topic sentences and also some supporting details to support our stand. So, I thought we just need to stand in front of the class and present our points. Luckily, before I went back to my holiday, my friend told me that we have to prepare PowerPoint for the presentation. Besides, for this presentation, I feel a bit worried of me unable to answer the questions posted by my friends or my lecturer. I hope I can explain well enough to persuade them to agree with my stand.

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