Thursday, March 22, 2007

For this week lesson, I had learnt a few new famous authors and also a few new genres such as autobiography, diaries and letters. Among these three I prefer the autobiography the most because I like to read biography. Both of these are reflecting their life. There are a few differences between these two. Autobiography is written by the person about his or her life and this person is still alive, meanwhile biography is written by other people on this particular people’s life because he or she is dead. I like these two because both are about their life, how they struggle to achieve something they want. This is why I am interested in Kate Chopin as her life influence greatly on her works. I do this for my research paper. Learning her biography enable me to understand her works better. I feel both this autobiography and biography are very important for our students to know before a teacher starts to teach a piece of literary work. From these, students will not only know why he/she is writing that piece of literary work as well as the setting of the stories. These will enable the students to understand the work better.
Besides introducing the authors, we also can use autobiography in our literature class. There are also moral values can be learnt from it. For example the Nelson Mandela’s autobiography, it can create awareness on the racial issues among our students as we are living in a multiracial country. But I will not use this in my lesson, I will choose something that is easier in term of the language.

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