Thursday, March 08, 2007

Last Wednesday I had presented my position paper. Guess what? I got 20 upon 25. It is not too bad. I hope this will be the final score. My tutor is the first reader and my lecturer will be the second reader. I wish this mark will stay the same or increase. But definitely not decreasing. Now I can focus on my research paper already.

As for my research paper, last Sunday I have discovered that I did my research paper wrongly. For the last few meetings my supervisor did not give any comment on my research paper. So I thought it was on the right track. I continued with my work. The more I did I felt something wrong. I could not relate her works to her background. I consulted my friends. Nobody seemed to bother and no suggestions were given. Then I asked my friend from another group, she told me I should do the other way round. Actually my objective for writing this research paper is to analyze how Kate Chopin’s personal backgrounds inspire her to become a feminist writer. So, I need to compare her backgrounds to her works. What I did was I compared her works to her life. It was totally out of track. Luckily, last Tuesday we did have any meeting with the supervisor. At first I thought I would not go because I had nothing to show to him. God is at my side this time. We have to hand in the first draft on this coming Tuesday. Now I am working on a whole research paper. I hope I could finish the first draft on time.

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