Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My first draft

Today, Tuesday 29th March, I have gotten back my 1st draft for my research paper. I was told to rewrite my topic and also my aim as the topic reflects what I’m going to do. My topic “Kate Chopin’s personal backgrounds inspire her to become a feminist writer” is a statement not a topic. I asked how I can improve the topic but….. The supervisor suggested to write a catchy topic. Beside this, there was nothing much comment on other aspects was given by the supervisor. The supervisor only said my language is okay. This is what I worried the most because my other group members’ research papers are scribbled with lot of comments and they got a lot of verbal comments too. However, my research paper is very clean and there are only two lines on top of my paper which are “Rewrite the topic.” and “What are your aims?” Am I being too worried or there is nothing wrong on my research paper. Furthermore, the supervisor suggested that we include how our studies will promote the students’ soft skills in the implication in ESL.
Later, I consulted my tutor about writing my topic for the research paper. She said my topic should not be the same as those who are doing comparing 2 literary texts by the same author or the different authors. This is what I feel too. I was told may be I can include the theme of the stories when writing my topic. What I am doing is studying how her life influenced her works. I feel that I can’t put any theme in my topic. The topic that my tutor suggested was “A study of Kate Chopin and her feminist writings.” Besides, tomorrow I will give my research paper to her in order to get some other feedbacks.
For the coming week, we have to submit our research paper on the Friday. I will show a list of topics for my supervisor to choose. I hope one of my topics is accurate.

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