Sunday, March 18, 2007

Researh Paper in process
This Tuesday we did not have any meeting with the supervisor. However we have handed in our first draft. I think next week we must have meeting with him as next week is week 12 and the following week will be the due date for our research paper. So, if there is any problem or mistakes, we will have time to correct them. But I hope there won’t be any problem wit anyone’s research paper. Doing this research paper is not easy. We need to search information and read and analyze the information as well as the texts we have chosen. As for mine, I will have to connect Kate Chopin’s life to her works.
I have learnt a lot on Kate Chopin’s and the Creole society. I feel she is a very brave woman. She is different from others as she dares to write about women especially housewives who are not happy with their marriage life and she also writes how they desire for independence and freedom. Creole society is a society which is dominated by men. Women are to be seen but not heard. If they against the society norms and expectations, they will an outcast and life in insolate like Madamoiselle Reizs in The Awakening. She is a single woman and she is not like others who marry and have children. She is an outcast and she lives in isolation. Beside this novel, her short stories also about women who are suppressed.
I admire her of her bravery. Her works are indeed very interesting.

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