Thursday, March 15, 2007


This week we didn’t have any meeting with the supervisor. Last week, I met him when I was on my way back. He said we have to submit our first draft on the coming meeting on Tuesday. However, this week he told our group leader that we would not have any meeting as he was very busy and we do not need to submit any draft. I think he forgot what he had said last week. I hope we will have meeting with him for the coming week. Other groups have sent in their first draft, but we haven send in yet.

As for my research paper, I think I have finished 80% of it. Currently, I think I have more than the requirement for the research paper. Our research paper must consist of 3000 words. I have so much to write about how Kate Chopin’s personal backgrounds inspire her to become a feminist writer. Editing process is still needed. I hope I can finish this as fast as possible as there are still a lot of works waiting to be done.

Our position paper had come to the end. My tutor had helped me and my course mates a lot in completing the paper. For this research paper, she is also very willingly to help us. She is approachable and friendly. From next week onward, the lecturer will continue to have lectures. It had been a long time we do not have his class.

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