Thursday, April 05, 2007

Final touch up on my research paper

Rewriting the title kept on playing in my mind after the last meeting with my supervisor. This Friday will be the due date. There was only one way to solve my problem which is to ask help from other. My friends could not help because they feel that there is nothing wrong with my current title. Besides, I requested help from my tutor. She knew that my title was not very accurate but she said that she could not give me a better title for my research paper. The last person whom I consulted was my lecturer. Luckily, he gave me a title “The influence of personal background on a feminist writer”. In the last meeting, I ask helped from my supervisor but he did not help me. He said it is all depend on me how I want to write the title. I asked because I did not know how to improve my title. I hope my supervisor will accept this new title because he is the one who will be assessing my research paper. Now the problem with the title has already settled, I have to do final editing to my research paper so by this Friday I will be able to hand in the research paper. This will be the end of my research paper.

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