Sunday, April 08, 2007


Writing a position paper and research paper

After submitting my research paper, I started to reflect what I had done for the past 14 weeks in this course. I faced a lot of difficulties in writing the position paper and research paper like everyone else. I had problem in writing the thesis statement for my position paper. Besides this, I had no problem in the process of writing the position paper as my tutor guided us along the way. But problem occurred when I wrote my research paper which was under the supervision of my supervisor. I had a few meetings with in the beginning and a meeting in the end. I felt these did not help me in writing my research paper. The problem was later discovered by my course mate. Luckily, I managed to correct my mistake. A week before the submission of the research paper, my supervisor disagreed with my title. It made me think hard but the problem was not solved until I consult my lecturer.

Besides, writing these two papers could be served as a preparation for me if I am to further my study. Lastly, I felt very thankful to my supervisor, my lecturer, tutor who was willingly to help me in writing my position paper and research paper even though it was not her responsibility as well as my friends. These people had helped me in accomplishing my position paper and research paper.

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