Sunday, April 08, 2007


Writing a position paper and research paper

After submitting my research paper, I started to reflect what I had done for the past 14 weeks in this course. I faced a lot of difficulties in writing the position paper and research paper like everyone else. I had problem in writing the thesis statement for my position paper. Besides this, I had no problem in the process of writing the position paper as my tutor guided us along the way. But problem occurred when I wrote my research paper which was under the supervision of my supervisor. I had a few meetings with in the beginning and a meeting in the end. I felt these did not help me in writing my research paper. The problem was later discovered by my course mate. Luckily, I managed to correct my mistake. A week before the submission of the research paper, my supervisor disagreed with my title. It made me think hard but the problem was not solved until I consult my lecturer.

Besides, writing these two papers could be served as a preparation for me if I am to further my study. Lastly, I felt very thankful to my supervisor, my lecturer, tutor who was willingly to help me in writing my position paper and research paper even though it was not her responsibility as well as my friends. These people had helped me in accomplishing my position paper and research paper.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Final touch up on my research paper

Rewriting the title kept on playing in my mind after the last meeting with my supervisor. This Friday will be the due date. There was only one way to solve my problem which is to ask help from other. My friends could not help because they feel that there is nothing wrong with my current title. Besides, I requested help from my tutor. She knew that my title was not very accurate but she said that she could not give me a better title for my research paper. The last person whom I consulted was my lecturer. Luckily, he gave me a title “The influence of personal background on a feminist writer”. In the last meeting, I ask helped from my supervisor but he did not help me. He said it is all depend on me how I want to write the title. I asked because I did not know how to improve my title. I hope my supervisor will accept this new title because he is the one who will be assessing my research paper. Now the problem with the title has already settled, I have to do final editing to my research paper so by this Friday I will be able to hand in the research paper. This will be the end of my research paper.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Reading this speech made me to recall a sad incident during our foundation year. we had a hard time analysing this speech. During that time we were asked to identify the moral values in the speech. Those who failed would be punished. My lecturer was very angry and this made the situation very tense. It was really unforgetatble. However for this time reading this speech, i enjoyed the moment when we analysed it together with the lecturer. I had learnt about the background of the speaker and people during that era as well as the issue of racial disrimination. This was a total different experience.

This is a powerful speech.This time around we analysed the speech through to a deeper sense. We discuss why did he give such speech and his used of the binary opposition. I enjoyed reading and analysed the speech. This gave me a total fifferent experience of learning this speech. I think this speech can be used in our class. This speech can create an awareness among the students of the racial issue in our own country as well as other countries. We are living in a multicultural country. Therefore, it is important to maintain the racial harmony in our country and we do not want to have any riot.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My first draft

Today, Tuesday 29th March, I have gotten back my 1st draft for my research paper. I was told to rewrite my topic and also my aim as the topic reflects what I’m going to do. My topic “Kate Chopin’s personal backgrounds inspire her to become a feminist writer” is a statement not a topic. I asked how I can improve the topic but….. The supervisor suggested to write a catchy topic. Beside this, there was nothing much comment on other aspects was given by the supervisor. The supervisor only said my language is okay. This is what I worried the most because my other group members’ research papers are scribbled with lot of comments and they got a lot of verbal comments too. However, my research paper is very clean and there are only two lines on top of my paper which are “Rewrite the topic.” and “What are your aims?” Am I being too worried or there is nothing wrong on my research paper. Furthermore, the supervisor suggested that we include how our studies will promote the students’ soft skills in the implication in ESL.
Later, I consulted my tutor about writing my topic for the research paper. She said my topic should not be the same as those who are doing comparing 2 literary texts by the same author or the different authors. This is what I feel too. I was told may be I can include the theme of the stories when writing my topic. What I am doing is studying how her life influenced her works. I feel that I can’t put any theme in my topic. The topic that my tutor suggested was “A study of Kate Chopin and her feminist writings.” Besides, tomorrow I will give my research paper to her in order to get some other feedbacks.
For the coming week, we have to submit our research paper on the Friday. I will show a list of topics for my supervisor to choose. I hope one of my topics is accurate.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

For this week lesson, I had learnt a few new famous authors and also a few new genres such as autobiography, diaries and letters. Among these three I prefer the autobiography the most because I like to read biography. Both of these are reflecting their life. There are a few differences between these two. Autobiography is written by the person about his or her life and this person is still alive, meanwhile biography is written by other people on this particular people’s life because he or she is dead. I like these two because both are about their life, how they struggle to achieve something they want. This is why I am interested in Kate Chopin as her life influence greatly on her works. I do this for my research paper. Learning her biography enable me to understand her works better. I feel both this autobiography and biography are very important for our students to know before a teacher starts to teach a piece of literary work. From these, students will not only know why he/she is writing that piece of literary work as well as the setting of the stories. These will enable the students to understand the work better.
Besides introducing the authors, we also can use autobiography in our literature class. There are also moral values can be learnt from it. For example the Nelson Mandela’s autobiography, it can create awareness on the racial issues among our students as we are living in a multiracial country. But I will not use this in my lesson, I will choose something that is easier in term of the language.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Researh Paper in process
This Tuesday we did not have any meeting with the supervisor. However we have handed in our first draft. I think next week we must have meeting with him as next week is week 12 and the following week will be the due date for our research paper. So, if there is any problem or mistakes, we will have time to correct them. But I hope there won’t be any problem wit anyone’s research paper. Doing this research paper is not easy. We need to search information and read and analyze the information as well as the texts we have chosen. As for mine, I will have to connect Kate Chopin’s life to her works.
I have learnt a lot on Kate Chopin’s and the Creole society. I feel she is a very brave woman. She is different from others as she dares to write about women especially housewives who are not happy with their marriage life and she also writes how they desire for independence and freedom. Creole society is a society which is dominated by men. Women are to be seen but not heard. If they against the society norms and expectations, they will an outcast and life in insolate like Madamoiselle Reizs in The Awakening. She is a single woman and she is not like others who marry and have children. She is an outcast and she lives in isolation. Beside this novel, her short stories also about women who are suppressed.
I admire her of her bravery. Her works are indeed very interesting.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


This week we didn’t have any meeting with the supervisor. Last week, I met him when I was on my way back. He said we have to submit our first draft on the coming meeting on Tuesday. However, this week he told our group leader that we would not have any meeting as he was very busy and we do not need to submit any draft. I think he forgot what he had said last week. I hope we will have meeting with him for the coming week. Other groups have sent in their first draft, but we haven send in yet.

As for my research paper, I think I have finished 80% of it. Currently, I think I have more than the requirement for the research paper. Our research paper must consist of 3000 words. I have so much to write about how Kate Chopin’s personal backgrounds inspire her to become a feminist writer. Editing process is still needed. I hope I can finish this as fast as possible as there are still a lot of works waiting to be done.

Our position paper had come to the end. My tutor had helped me and my course mates a lot in completing the paper. For this research paper, she is also very willingly to help us. She is approachable and friendly. From next week onward, the lecturer will continue to have lectures. It had been a long time we do not have his class.

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